Recode Your Emotions Rebalance Your Body
Emotion Code
Anxiety Procrastination Relationship Challenges Family Trauma Feeling Stuck Anger Management Low Self Esteem Work related and any other life challenges |
Body Code
Physical ailments Slow recovery Allergies Body pain Toxins Sleep issues Addictive behaviours Spiritual Disconnects and more |
Belief Code
Identify and release limiting and faulty mindsets and beliefs about: Spiritual relationship Choices Expression Ego Being a victim Self-sabotage Ability, Comparison, Growth and more |
The appropriate Code to use is determined during the session.
The appropriate Code to use is determined during the session.
The Emotion Code is a simple, gentle, non-invasive and confidential energy healing modality that uses muscle testing to identify the specific trapped emotions you have that are holding you back. No need to discuss all the gritty details of your life. We help adults, children and pets. More info.
Fiona DielemanEmotion, Body Code and Belief Code Practitioner, Life Coach, life strategist, mentor, encourager, intuitive, healer with over 25 years of mentoring women.
The Body Code uses muscle testing as in Emotion Code sessions, but to identify and release physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances, misalignments and toxins among other things that are preventing your body from healing itself. We can help your pet as well.
The Belief Code addresses faulty, inaccurate and incongruent beliefs and mindsets we hold about ourselves, others and the world. These beliefs can affect our movement forward in life, cause frustration, interfere with relationships, our finances and much more. Again it is similar to the Emotion Code.
Book a Session with FionaPlease use the session booking form on this website. Sessions are up to 45 minutes long and can be conducted on Zoom, Facebook Messenger or remotely (I have no face to face with you). Session cost is very reasonable.
TESTIMONY: "I've just finished my third Emotion Code session with Fiona and am feeling very grateful for this mode of healing and release of trapped emotions. The process is very simple, and Fiona does most of the work, but I notice each time that two weeks after my session there is a distinct difference in my behaviors and my life. My understanding is that trapped emotions are immediately released during the session but two weeks later (for me personally) I see the full effect taking shape in life as the after effect of the release takes place. It's been very very encouraging!! I can thoroughly recommend Fiona's sessions to you especially if you are wanting to overcome some blockages." Susan F, Bay of Plenty
TESTIMONY: "Over the past 2 years I have been acutely aware of my inner state, repression of emotions, tears just sitting under the surface, flooding my heart and soul. Unrelenting it seemed! Deep within I haven't known what or how to get release from this incessant turmoil especially when my already fragile and sensitive emotions were triggered! ..That's when I had the privilege of having a couple of Emotion Code sessions with Fiona, I was pleasantly surprised at how quick, easy and effective the session was, releasing painful energies trapped within. I am now enjoying Freedom! This indeed was a Grace Walk Experience for me on my journey, I thoroughly recommend Fiona to anyone needing Release & Re-Balance". Shayne F, New Zealand
TESTIMONY: "I was stunned when a shared trapped emotion of horror came up during my session. Because it was shared it meant it was an emotion I had shared with others around me at the same. It immediately took me back to a private screening many years ago that I attended of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie that I have regretted watching ever since. I was so relieved that this trigger in me has now gone". Mary, Tauranga
TESTIMONY: " My first session was incredible! We focused on my anxiety, and when I arrived home, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. It's hard to explain! There was this airy calmness about me, and there were no racing thoughts around my head. Best feeling ever! I'm coping so well with my rambunctious young boys now. I've since had a session on breaking ties with a past relationship where I had been having dreams, thoughts, and bitterness for 10 years!. I have noticed no thoughts about him or haunting dreams since! Fiona is so lovely, and I'm so happy our paths have crossed. Jess M, Bay of Plenty
TESTIMONY: "I have had several emotion code sessions with Fiona and completely attribute a process of freedom from many trapped emotions my body was holding. There is a significant amount of relevant research world wide about the effects of stored trauma and emotions on the body and mind. My sessions with Fiona unlocked and enabled my emotions to be safely and calmly dealt with in a way that was so peaceful. It allowed so many of my ‘habits of thought and actions’ I thought were just me to be reconciled and given a pathway to clear. Would never go back and I will continue sessions every now and again to keep healing. There is also an option to really allow emotion code sessions to preclude a deeper work in a spiritual sense if you are up for the challenge!!!" Deb R, Australia
TESTIMONY: My emotion code experiences are ones of notable shift release and unblocking of my internal systems. I sense a peace and calm mentally and emotionally and a knowing that I am different therefore reflecting that shift in my thoughts mind actions and words. There's such a freedom in knowing there are significant internal shifts and that my emotions have been unblocked. I have noticed a difference in my interactions relationally with others also. Fay P, Bay of Plenty
TESTIMONY: Past experiences with counselors didn’t go too well for me. I got burned, and therefore I turned into a sceptic. Until I met Fiona. She has proven to be a person I can fully trust. Her love for God is significant to me, and it effortlessly shows up in Fiona’s life. During my session with Fiona, I was amazed at how spot-on she was with everything that needed dealing with. I could tangibly feel a shift taking place during our session. It was powerful. Since my session, I’ve noticed that I’m on top of things and move more freely in my decisions and problem-solving. I am looking at things through a different lens. I feel lighter and definitely happier. I’m looking forward to my next session with Fiona. I’m so grateful to know her and even more for her massive heart to help people like me get better and set free from years of mind monkeys. Vanessa S, Taranaki
Disclaimer: All health related information on this website is made available for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All effort has been made to ensure accuracy, currency and completeness of the information, but is not guaranteed. The author and producer of this website, does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of, or reliance on the information. Always seek the advise of your Doctor or other qualified health professional. Any and all actions you may take, based on the information supplied on this website, you do so entirely at your own risk. I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I claim that my service provides physical or emotional healing of any kind. Copyright © 2021 Fiona Dieleman